Chapter One: "What the hell are you doing here!"

"I hate walking up walls!" exclaimed Seria as she continued her climb up Moclin's Federal Bank. It had rained an hour before she started her climb and the walls were slick, her feet were soaked being in her sneaking shoes and not her boots (which she preferred). She was three thirds the way up and making good time, even with the fact that she keep slipping every 2 minutes. She could even see the window she was gonna enter from her current spot on the wall.

She made it to the window just 10 minutes later and and attempted to open it, hoping that they forgot to lock it, but no such luck; she'd never met an unlocked window in 5 years. She reached into her pack, pulled out her glass cutter, and proceeded to cut a hole in the glass. Bank glass was always thicker than usual, but she was always prepared. Cutting the glass swiftly, she then burnt out the alarm box with her Energy Fragmenter before unlocking the window.

Walking in was the hard part, with the Security beams. So she put the Infrared Goggles on and saw the pitiful display of beams here and there. The only threat was a beam right in the middle of the room which she could easily step over. After effortlessly conquering the room, she was ready for the trip downstairs. Seria didn't really like walking up and down much, so she overcharged the laser cutter, set it for extra long range, and cut a perfect circle in the hall going down 10 stories, with her objective only 8 floors down.

She jammed her anchor in the floor and a wrapped her rope around it. She went down the hole 8 floors, checked the laser count, which was probably 20 that she could see, and dodged them to the door marked 723. "Must be my lucky number for the night," she whispered to herself. She prepared to removed the lock on the door but instead saw it was ripped off crudely. She quickly opened the door and to her surprise the huge metal door was open already.

Before entering to see what had happened she jammed the remote camera in the corner of the room and ran in, without the trouble of lasers, which she knew was odd. When she ran in the treasury which the metal door led to, she saw a figure with slick blond hair and a dusty black trenchcoat. "What the hell are you doing here!!" Seria yelled, forgetting there might be voice recorders inside.

The man turned around and said in a english accent, "I'm robbing the bloody place, what does it look like to you? And that is some leather outfit you're wearing, I like tightness," with a cocky smile on his face on the second part.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna have to kill you then," Seria said with her always serious tone.

The man chuckled. "Kill me? There's enough here for both of us, first off, and secondly, I don't care how tough you can talk, lady, but I doubt you ca..." Before he could get out "can," Seria had thrown a knife in his chest. "Kill me. And that was pretty rude, young lady," he said as if the knife wasn't sticking out of him.

"But....oh, you're a vampire," she said, disappointed.

"Oh...ALL I GET IS OH!! IS ANYONE SCARED OF ME ANYMORE!" Just then the vampire hit one of the many vases in the room, grabbed a bag of stuff he had on the floor and ran out, tripping one of the lasers on his way out the window.

"Goddamnit!!" Seria yelled before also heading down to the lobby to escape the building. "I'll kill that ****ing vampire for this!"

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